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Q: How many suitcases was a evacuee allowed to take?
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Can you take 7 suitcases on a flight?

You can take as many as you wish as long as you pay the extra for the transportation

Do they scan suitcases when they unload them off a plane?

Can I take three suitcases on the plane

What did they take in their suitcases?

They took clothes

What is a suitcases?

a suitcase is a object that you can take on holiday.

Why did the Nazi's take away suitcases?

to get the contents

Would an evacuee take a gun in their suitcase?

They wouldn't have been alowed.

How long does it take for hard back suitcases to decompose in landfills?


What would a World War 2 evacuee take with them and why?

a teddy so there not alone and scared

Was important to take your suitcase if you was evacuee?

yes it was important to take a suitcase or u would have nothink and it would be against the was.

What item would the evacuies in world war take with them in their suitcases?

A Gas MAsk certainly

You know how to deal with Chinglish in There were many passengers on the train but luckily I found a seat at last I did not take the seat for a while when an old grandma got on with two suitcases?

i dont get it

What would world war 2 evacuees take with them?

They would take with them a lunch, suitcases, gasmasks, labels, and another pair of shoes