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There are 5 syllables in Carbon Dioxide, eg; (Car)(Bon)(Di)(Ox)(Ide), Or the Chemical Formula CO2 has 3 syllables e.g. (C)(O)(2)

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Q: How many syllables in carbon dioxide?
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How much atoms of carbon and of oxygen are in each molecule of carbon dioxide?

The name "carbon dioxide" tells you what it is made of and how many atoms are involved, as long as you know that "di" is one of the syllables that means "two." So one molecule of carbon dioxide has one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen.

How many moles of carbon dioxide are there in 19 grams of carbon dioxide?

Moles of carbon dioxide = grams/amu of carbon dioxide. Moles = 19g/44amu Moles of carbon dioxide = .432

How many moles of carbon dioxide are there in 211g of carbon dioxide?

211g of carbon dioxide are equal to 4,794 moles.

How many bonds does carbon make with oxygen in carbon dioxide?

Carbon makes four bonds with oxygen in carbon dioxide.

What goes into carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a compound of Carbon and Oxygen - CO2

How many syllables does carbon footprint have?

The phrase 'carbon footprint' has four syllables. (car-bon foot-print)

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2,22 1023 molecules of carbon dioxide is equal to 0,368 moles.

What gas is produced by respiration?

Carbon dioxide.

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How many years to recycle carbon dioxide?

None. Plants recycle carbon dioxide continuously.

Which compound is used to remove carbon dioxide from air?

Many hydroxides absorb carbon dioxide.

How many atoms of oxygen and carbon does a molecule or carbon dioxide have?

Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, has one Carbon molecule and two Oxygen molecules.