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Q: How many symbols make up harrapan language?
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How many symbols were written in the language of Maya?

Egyptian writing was called hiroglyphs. It first had 700 symbols then rose to 6,000 symbols.

Is it likely that a programming language grammar will have a useless symbol?

There are many symbols in programming that have no means but it used in programmig is called useless symbols. like- #$%^&*@()

How do you make a turkey out of symbols?

You can make a turkey by pressing the shift key and then the period key. There are also many other animals you can make out of symbols.

Why did the Iroquois use symbols?

Many Native American tribes did not have a written language. There are cultures today that still don't have a written language.

Why indus valley civilization was called harrapan civilization?

when the indus valley civilisation was unerthened lots of human skeleton was found at many places therefore it was also called harappan civilisation.

What is the role that visual language and code have across cultures?

Visual language and code play an important role across cultures. When we think of symbols, many of us will be surprised to know that a lot of different cultures share similar or even the exact same symbols and visual languages. Visual language unites different cultures by means of symbols, gestures, and codes.

How many hieroglyphics are there in ancient Egypt?

There were more than a thousand hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt because it was their language

How was the harrapan civilization destroyed?

Historians have mixed conclusions about what may have destroyed the harrapan civilisation. Some think it may have been a flood, while others think of it to be an earthquake. There are many other things that are thought of to be possible to have led to the end of this vast civilisation.

What is unusual about the Ajanta temple?

it had many different designs than other temples and differed in language and symbols on the great walls

How do you make a stick figure with different text symbols?

There are many ways to create a stick figure using standard textual symbols. 'o-[-

How many words can you make out of sign language?

you can make over 200 words with sign language approx.

How did Sequoyah change the lives of many?

sequoyah was a cheerokee and he made symbols