

How many things have gravity?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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Everything in the universe except zero gravity liscensed things

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Q: How many things have gravity?
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What are things that are gravity?

There are no things that are gravity. Gravity is a force that is associated with anything that has mass.

What makes the things fall?

gravity gravity

What type of science is in sports?

many things like inertia gravity etc.

What is the name of the Engllish scientist who discovered many things about gravity?

Sir Isaac Newton

What makes objects moves?

they move by gravity or many other things.

What are 10 things that have gravity or electronics or magnetism?

Can you see ten things around you? Each of them has gravity.

What kind of things does gravity build on?

gravity affects everything with mass

What does UFOS have to defy gravity and no noise?

UFOs are simply things that not readily identified. They are not 'alien' spaceships. Nor do they defy gravity and there are many phenomena that do not make any noise.

Does the pull of gravity make things have weight to things on earth?

yes, force (or weight) = mass * acceleration due to gravity

Is magnetism the same as gravity?

no it is not because gravity brings things down to earth and magnetism can push things up.

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What is the pull of gravity?

The pull of gravity is what pulls things down. This is on lots of planets.