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Q: How many third party presidents in the US?
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Which two US presidents were members of the Federalist Party?

The two US Presidents that were members of the Federalist Party were George Washington and John Adams.

What third political party was formed in the US?

The Green Party is a third party and was formed in the US

Who is third presidents of the US?

James Maddison

How many US Presidents are they?

they are be 44 Presidents in the U.S.A.

How many presidents were in the US?

there were 44 presidents in U.S.A.

Which political party was the first to appear in the new US?

The political party that was first to appear in the new US was The Federalist Party. The first two US presidents, Washington and Adams were federalists.

What is a significant party outside the two dominant parties in the US?

a third party

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What was the first third party formed in the US?

The first third party in America was the Anti-Masonic Party, which lasted for 10 years. It was formed in 1828.

How many presidents of US?


How many presidents were there in the us?


What is nomination?

Depends on context. US presidents, Oscars and many others.