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Probably about 3 times a day and once in a while 4 times a day.

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Q: How many time of the day do cows go to the bathroom?
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How many times a day can a bull mate?

It all depends on how many cows a bull has to settle in one day and how much libido the bull has. It should be safe to say that a bull may mate with one or more cows at least 10 to 20 times a day. If a bull has a lot of cows to breed, there's no time for eating, but lots of time for courting.

How many cows fly a day?

None. Cows don't fly.

How do cows know its dinner time?

Cows eat all day. Cattle are used to Schedules, they become familiar as to the time of day that they are fed or milked through repetition.

How often can a bull breed?

As often as possible and as often as there are cows that are needing his services. That said, a bull can breed as many as 2 to 10 cows (or more) per day, depending on how many cows are in heat on that day.

Why does mason ragg go to the bathroom at the same time every day?

Because he is epileptic and goes to the bathroom to have the seizure.

How many cows do bulls mate in a day?

It depends on the bull. Some may be able to breed up to 5 cows per day, others maybe only 1 or 2. It all depends on how receptive cows are and whether they're in standing heat at the time. A lot of breeding occurs at night, so you may see the bull breeding only a couple cows during the day.

How many cows die each day in the world?

At least 30 cows die every two hours.

Are Nocturnal cows?

They can be, but they mostly prefer to be more active during the day time.

How many cows could a T-Rex eat in one day?

When T-Rex lived there were no cows, so the answer is none.

How many cows are milked daily?

This question is impossible to answer because the number of cows per farm differs, as well as number of cows on farm per day, since cows that were milked one day wouldn't be milked the next or vice versa because either they'd be culled and sold, come down with a sickness, be of the time to be dried up before calving, or start giving milk as heifers or (for older cows) after calving, etc.

If a KFC factory has 100000 cows in the morning and all the cows die except for 237 cows how many are left?

237 because you said all of them die and 237 are still alive so there are 237 cows left.Well, it depends what time of day it is. You said you have 100,000 cows in the morning and then all die except 237...but there is no time reference as to when they die. So, if it is still the morning, then you have 100,000 cows. However, if it is the afternoon or evening, then you have 237. Additionally, it is a KFC Factory, which means they would be dealing with chicken and not cows. Realistically, there would be no cows in the first place.

How much time do people spend going to the bathroom per day?

A man spends an average of 105 minutes a week in the bathroom per week. It averages to be about 15 minutes per day.