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You should change your dog's drinking water a couple of times daily

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Q: How many time should you change your dog to water weekly or monthly?
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How often would you feed a 3 inch fish in a small fish pot at home and change its water?

A 3 inch fish should be in at least 5 gallons of water. Regardless of size, they only need to be fed every two to three days, and a small aquarium should be cleaned weekly, larger ones monthly.

What percent of water in your aquarium should be replaced every week?

Change 10% of your water (so 1 gallon of water if you have a 10 gallon tank) per week. Change at least 25% of your water monthly.

How do you care frehwater aquariums?

A freshwater aquarium will require filter media and/or cartridge changes every 2 to 4 weeks. Ammonia, pH, kH/gH (hardness), nitrates, and nitrates should be tested weekly. You should perform 10 to 20 percent water changes weekly or biweekly, depending on the size of your aquarium. The smaller the tank, the more often it should be performed. Gravel should be syphoned at the same time you change the water to keep it from getting too dirty. Any tubing for filters should be cleaned on a monthly basis. All water changes should have dechlorinator added to the water you're putting back in. Clean surfaces that acquire algae as needed. Any other care will depend on what type of fish you put in it.

Can a betta live alone in a 5 gallon tank?

Yes it should be OK. I would advocate that you use a filter too and do at least a 50% water change weekly.

When do you clean a japanease fighting fish tank?

Bettas are fairly hardy fish with minimal requirements. Regularity of preforming a water change on their aquarium depends on feeding habits an tank set-up. If a filter is provided and no excess of food given then you should be fine doing a monthly water change. Small enclosure with no filter would require much more frequent changes. A small vase or bowl should be done weekly or bi-weekly in the minimum. If you wait till there are health issues with the fish then you will be fighting an up hill battle. Preventive care can be the easiest, cheapest and most efficient care to give.

How often should the water supply be inspected?

For fish tanks, weekly, at a minimum.

How often should I water a tree?

The day you plant it, you should water it daily for 2 weeks, then after that, you should water it every 3 days for 3-10 weeks. After about 10 weeks from planting, you should water the tree weekly.

Should I change the water in my fish tank even if there is a bubble nest or should i change the water because its pretty dirty but i dont want to harm the bubbles or eggs HELP?

You should be changing 10% of the water in your fish tank each week. Changing 10% and vacuuming the substrate weekly to remove the debris is a must. By removing 10% of the water and vacuuming the substrate will not disturb the bubble nest, You can get the vacuum from your local pet store.

How long in inches should my fighter fish's tank be?

The minimum sized tank for keeping a Betta healthy is 18" x 10" x10". It should be heated to 78F and have a cycled filter running permanently. A 50% water change should be done weekly too.

How do they change the water at the aquarium?

it depends on the size of the tank and what kind of conditions but generaly five or ten percent daily or weekly

When do you clean out sword fishs tank?

All fish need at least a 50% water change weekly. Good practice is to change 10% daily and 50% weekly. It is assumed that the tank is large enough for the fish (1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water) and filtered properly too.

How often should you clean a 29-gallon fish tank?

weekly 10 - 20% water changes