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Q: How many time the word keys in the Narcotics Anonymous basic text?
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Do people in narcotics anonymous believe in drinking alcohol?

As Narcotics Anonymous are really a group of wildly differing people, some do, while others do not. The one common attribute of people at Narcotics Anonymous is a desire to stop using narcotics and continue not using narcotics. The following is an opinion of one person, not of NA: Note that many people in NA are also in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Substituting one addition for another is not preferable. Also judgment is generally impaired while drinking alcohol, so overall it is not recommended. If it absolutely came down to drinking alcohol or taking narcotics, many might advise taking some alcohol to avoid taking narcotics. This should not be used as an excuse to drink alcohol.

How many function keys does the enhanced keyboard have?

there are 12 basic function keys in a standard keyboard

Is there a drug center where I can volunteer?

There are many places where you can volunteer. I would suggest that you contact Narcotics Anonymous ( as a starting point. You could also find out if there are any drug support groups in your local area.

Is there a website that will help me find a substance abuse center?

Twelve Step Programs are a powerful tool for those struggling with substance abuse. There are hundreds of listings for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Narcotics Anonymous meetings as well as Al-Anon, Naranon, CoDa and many other 12 Step fellowships.

How many times is god mentioned in the basic text of NA?

god in the lower case noun form is never mentioned in the Basic Text of N.A.. The proper name God is mentioned 315 times. Including 102 times in the programs intro, contents and first one hundred and seven pages. The rest of the times are in the following member shares.

How are narcotics taken?

Narcotics can be ingested any number of ways. Many narcotics are eaten, smoked or injected. Injection is the fastest method to the bloodstream.

How many keys on a hurdy gurdy?

I'm pretty sure it varies, but I think the basic number is 23. Hope this helps.

How is drug addiction treated?

it is treated by going to a place called N A it is an narcotics anonymous society it is a group of recovering addicts that and were you have a chance to talk about what you think is causing you to use and your recovery usually you get a key take for how many months you have clean it is to show strength and pride

How do you stop taking cociane?

If you are addicted to cocaine and find that you can not quit, the easiest thing to do is contact an organization called Narcotics Anonymous. You can usually find them in the phone book or on the web at --- If you cannot find anyone in the area you are searching for please feel free to call (818) 773-9999 and ask for fellowship services. At a Narcotics Anonymous, you can speak with many other people who have stopped using cocaine successfully. Since Narcotics Anonymous is free, it is a good place to start. However, there are other options. Other options may include going to a drug abuse rehabilitation center (Rehab). There you can find in a telephone directory or by searching the Web by looking for "drug detox" or "drug rehab" or "alcohol and drug abuse help". You can also include the name of your town or city when searching to help narrow down the results.

How many pages does Bachelors Anonymous have?

Bachelors Anonymous has 191 pages.

Why does Stephen have narcolepsy?

Because he consumes too many narcotics