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Q: How many times a year will a female Sulcata lay eggs?
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The female cheetah has baby kittens and does not lay eggs.

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About how many eggs does a female crab produce

How many eggs do king penguin lay?

As many times as the female penguin and male penguin have sexual intercourse, Usually the penguin lays 4 eggs in its life

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How many eggs a female butterfly lays can vary slightly by species. On average a female butterfly lays 100 eggs at one time.

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Female millipedes may lay as many as 2,000 eggs, but a few hundred is more likely. THE FEMALE. the only animal that the male lays the eggs (which isn't entirely true because the female makes the egs then GIVES the eggs to the male) is the seahorse.

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1 female Japanese beetle can lay 40 to 50 eggs at one time. They will lay all of these eggs multiple times during their life span as well.

How many eggs do female lay?

about 333,598,130,908

How many eggs does a female box turtle usually lay at a time?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many eggs at a time does a female box turtle usually lay?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many eggs does a female fox produce a month?

The average ovular dump of a female fox is 2-4 eggs.

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The female mackerel can lay up to 500,000 eggs at a time.

How many eggs can a female burrowing owl lay?

3to 12 eggs