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Q: How many times did Mary appear to Juan Diego?
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Who did Mother Mary appear to in Mexico?

Juan Diego

What place did the Virgin Mary appear to Juan Diego?

She appeared to Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac which today is in northern Mexico City.

Who did Mary appear to in Guadalupe Mexico?

Mary appear to Juan Diego on Tepeyac hill, just north of Mexico City, not at Guadalupe. Today the place is is known as the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

What is Juan Diego's Achievements?

an achievement that Juan Diego had was getting to see Mary and prove to the pope that he saw her. He also was the first person to be catholicilized.

Who was Juan Diego in the Bible?

Juan Diego was a Mexican peasant who reported seeing an apparition of the Virgin Mary, known as Our Lady of Guadalupe, in 1531. The Catholic Church eventually recognized the event as a miracle, and Juan Diego was canonized as a saint in 2002.

Who was the Mexican peasant that the Virgin Mary appeared to?

She appeared to Juan Diego.

Who appeared to Juan Diego?

Our Lady of Guadalupe - the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In what year do many Mexicans believe Mary the mother of Jesus appeared to Juan Diego a Native American man in the Villa Guadalupe Hidalgo?

Mary appeared to Juan Diego during the month of December in the year 1531.

The Virgin Mary appeared to what saint?

St. Bernadette of Lourdes, St. Juan Diego

What message did Juan Diego receive from Mary?

The message from Mary to Saint Juan Diego was this. She said, "I vividly desire that a church be built on this site, so that in it I can be present and give my love, compassion, help, and defense, for I am your most devoted mother . . . to hear your laments and to remedy all your miseries, pains, and sufferings."

Who is Saint Juan Diego's patron saint?

Saint Juan Diego's patron saint is Our Lady of Guadalupe. Juan Diego is known for his encounter with the Virgin Mary in Mexico in 1531, where he received the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on his tilma (cloak). He is venerated as a symbol of faith and devotion in the Americas, particularly in Mexico.

Was Juan Diego single?

He was a widower. His wife had died a few years before he had the visions of Mary.