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Q: How many times did President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev meet in high-level meetings toward the end of the Cold War?
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Which Soviet leader met with President Reagan in a series of important meetings?

Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, right, stands with former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, left, during Gorbachev's arrival ceremony at the White House in Washington, December 8, 1987. The year was 1984.

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The seating order at cabinet meetings most accurately reflects the importance, in the Presidents eyes, of those cabinet departments. It is far more likely the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense would be seated closer to the President than the Secretary of Education.

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Presidents meet with members of their cabinet on a regular basis, and President Obama is no exception. While a meeting of the entire cabinet may not occur very often, individual meetings with the various heads of agencies occurs fairly frequently. For example, the president may meet with his Secretary of Defense or his Secretary of State or his Secretary of the Treasury (or another other cabinet member), as issues come up and such meetings are needed. Recently, as the drought in the mid-western United States worsened, President Obama held meetings with his Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, to formulate strategies to help those being impacted.

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The student council secretary is responsible for documenting meeting minutes, keeping records of council activities, and communicating information to council members and the student body. They play a crucial role in ensuring that information is organized and accessible for decision-making and future reference.

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Each president has a different personal style. Some have regular meetings, and others have meetings as needed.

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Secretary, writes notes of meetings

How often did Obama meet with his cabinet?

There have been two meetings that come to mind as of this writing. April 20, when the President charged them all with finding 100 million dollars in budget cuts may have been their first meeting. There was also a weekend retreat meeting at Blair House six months into the President's first term.

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The president.

What do you call someone who takes notes at meetings?

A stenographer or court reporter

What does a student council secretary do?

A student council secretary is responsible for taking meeting minutes, recording decisions, and keeping track of important documents and communication within the student council. They also assist in organizing events and activities, as well as helping to communicate information to the student body.