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Q: How many times did john say pilgrim in liberty valance?
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How many movies did john Wayne use the phrase pilgrim?

John Wayne in the character of Tom Donovan, used the word "pilgrim" when talking to Ransom Stoddard (played by Jimmy Stewart) in the movie "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance". He called Stoddard "pilgrim", because Stoddard was coming out west to settle in the new territories that had not yet become states in much the same way as the original Pilgrims came to this country.

Who killed Liberty Valance?

In the 1962 John Ford movie a man called Tom Doniphon ( played by John Wayne ) killed Liberty Valance .

What killed john Wayne?

Charles G. Martin (Murray the Bartender) shot John Wayne (John Bernard "J.B." Books) .

Was there ever a movie called Liberty Valance?

The movie was called THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE. It was made in 1962.Directed by John Ford. Starring.John Wayne,James Stewart,Lee Marvin.

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The man who killed Liberty Valance Played by Jimmy Stewart The man who killed Liberty Valance was played by John Wayne. You've obviously never seen the movie...

In what movie does John Wayne call Jimmy Stewart Pilgrim?

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence

What lead actor played along John Wayne in the movie the man who shot Liberty Valance?

James Stewart.

What movies have both John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart?

John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart were both in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 1962; The Shootist. 1976. Also How the West was Won, 1962

What is the name of the black actor who played in the man who shot liberty valance?

Woody Strode plays Pompey, one of Tom Doniphon's (John Wayne) hired hands.

How many films was john Wayne killed in?

John Wayne was killed in eight movies... Sands of Iwo Jima The Shootist The Cowboys Wake of the Red Witch The Fighting Seabees The Alamo The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Reap the Wild Wind

Who wrote The Pilgrim's Progress?

John Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim's Progress.John Bunyan - 1864The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come is a 1678 Christian allegory written by John Bunyan.

What is the web address of the Pilgrim John Howland Society in Chelmsford Massachusetts?

The web address of the Pilgrim John Howland Society is: