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In September 1862, Lee tried to invade Pennsylvania, in order to convince the British that the Confederacy was worth supporting. He was stopped and defeated by McClellan at Antietam - the biggest single-day casualties of the war.

In June 1863, he tried again, and was stopped and defeated by George Meade at Gettysburg - a 3-day battle with the biggest casualties of any engagement in the war.

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Q: How many times did the South invaded the North in the Civil war?
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Where was the Capitol of the South during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia and the president was Jefferson Davis this was the capitol and president of the C.S.A. when the south had seeded before the civil war

Where did term I got the blues come from?

During the days of the Civil War, the North would invade, there uniforms were a blue grey. The invasions denoted bad times, and when invaded the phrase here come the blues was born.

What was another name for the union army of the civil war?

It went by the Federal Army, Northern Army, U.S. Army, and the National Army, but the first two are most correct.

What atvantages did the north have at the beginning of the civil war?

At the start of the Civil War, the North had some advantageous resources that would benefit them in the course of the Civil War. Perhaps one of the greatest advantages they had over the South was their economy. The diverse and flourishing agriculture and industry of the North made it able for them to last a much longer war than the South were able to. The strong federal government under Lincoln insured the unity of the states, as opposed to the weak confederacy of the South. The population of the North was also much greater than the South, having almost three times as many inhabitants as the Confederate states. The North had the great advantage of financial backing. The North was rich in money and able to fund the war efforts without as much financial trouble as the South encountered. Finally, the North had the advantage of an antislavery morale. They had a cause, a moral obligation that many abolitionists sought to spread throughout the remaining states of the Union. All in all, the North most likely had a much larger advantage over the South in terms of a long, drawn-out battle.

What percentage of white males died during the US Civil War?

Of the white males who were between the ages of 13 and 43 in 1830, 8 percent of them died in the Civil War. Of those 8 percent, the number of white males from the South that died was three times higher than the number from the North.

Related questions

Who had nine times as many factories as the other region in civil war?

The North, relative to the South.

Where was the Capitol of the South during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia and the president was Jefferson Davis this was the capitol and president of the C.S.A. when the south had seeded before the civil war

What is the difference between overt racism in the south and subtle racism in the north?

because the south had slaves and was always racist. The north though that racism was awful. so to be in the north and be racist that means times are changing.AKA BAD! to know more google the civil war

Where did term I got the blues come from?

During the days of the Civil War, the North would invade, there uniforms were a blue grey. The invasions denoted bad times, and when invaded the phrase here come the blues was born.

What was king of the south during civil war times?

Cotton was often called the King of the South during the Civil War.

During civil war between north and south productions produced in the north and south?

while the southern states produced two-thirds of the world's supply of cotton, the South had little manufacturing capability, about 29 percent of the railroad tracks, and only 13 percent of the nation's banks while The North produced 17 times more cotton and woolen textiles than the South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 times more pig iron, and 32 times more firearms. The North produced 3,200 firearms to every 100 produced in the South

How many times did North Korea attack South Korea?

North Korea attacked south Korea around 16 times.

Who had a bigger population the north or the south in slavery times?

the north

The people who opposed the National Bank were from?

In the times of the Civil War, they were from the south.

Who were the workers in the south in pre civil war times?

Black slaves.

Was the north allies with Europe during the civil war?

If you are refering to the American Civil War, niether had support from European countries. The South wanted the aid of the British, and tried many times to break the North's naval blockade. The South depreately needed the aid of Britain, not militarily, but finacialy. The South needed some place to sell the cotton they grew, since they were unable to do so they suffered from 7000% inflation at the end of the war. One could write a whole masters thesis on Europes effects on the Civil War.

Is there an Irish times newspaper for Northern Ireland?

no, Irish times serves north and south