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the word wo is used in 78 verses of the Book of Mormon.

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Q: How many times does it say wo in the Book of Mormon?
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How long did it take for Joseph smith to translate the book of Mormon?

It all depends on your reading ability and what kind of attention you are giving to the book. The English language edition of the Book of Mormon is just over 500 pages. Although the text is quite small, it also includes many footnotes and cross references. I have heard of people reading through the Book of Mormon in a single day, although most people who are reading the Book of Mormon and carefully and prayerfully studying it as a work of scripture and the sacred word of God usually take a month to a year to complete it cover to cover. Many reading plans for the Book of Mormon are 100-day plans, with you reading about 5 pages a day. The fastest I have ever completed the Book of Mormon was two months, but I was also recording my thoughts and feelings in the margins as a read.

After reading or hearing The Secrets of Mormons book does it say they go to heaven?

I could find no record of any commercially published book called "The Secrets of Mormons". Perhaps you have the title wrong? There are many anti-Mormon books with similar titles, but obviously an anti-Mormon book would not say that Mormons go to heaven. If you'd like to learn about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) from the source, please visit the "Related Link" below.

How many times do you find the word Christ in the Book of Mormon?

The word "Christ" is found in 323 verses in the Book of Mormon. Many verses say Christ more than once, including 2 Nephi 25:26: "We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ..." This count does not include other forms of the word "Christ" (Such as "Christian") nor does it include other names or titles of Christ such as Jesus, Lord, Redeemer, Savior, etc.

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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called "Mormons") believe The Book of Mormon was translated from ancient metal plates by Joseph Smith, Jr. They believe that he was lead to the place where the plates were buried by an angel. They were buried in a hill near his home in Palmyra, New York. The hill is now called the Hill Cumorah.See the "Related Links" below to read more about the story of the discovery of the Book of Mormon.

How many times do they say green eggs in ham in the book Green Eggs and Ham?

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How many times did John say 'servant' in the Book of Revelation?

The word 'servant' is used 10 times in the book of Revelation in the KJV. The NIV and New KJV (NKJV) translations use the word 'servant' 13 times.

What the moorman book say about black people?

I will assume you are asking about the Book of Mormon? The Book of Mormon doesn't mention a whole lot about race. In over 500 pages, only one verse mentions people of black or African races: "... He (Jesus Christ) denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female... all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile." (2 Nephi 26:33) 2 Nephi chapter 5 in the Book of Mormon introduces a group of people who were cursed with a skin of blackness for being sinful, but these are not considered to be the ancestors of todays African or black people. This group is mentioned several times throughout the Book of Mormon, and in 3 Nephi 2:15 they become righteous and their skin is returned to being white. You can read the Book of Mormon and the other books used as scripture by Mormons at the "Related Link" below.