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This is impossible to determine without some sort of time frame. Which would then make it ridiculous since it would be once a year, and impossible to get a ball park figure seeing as we dont know the age of the planet.

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Q: How many times does the earth spin on it's axes?
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How many times does the earth spin on its axis while it makes the journey?

Earth spins on its axis for about 365/366 times while it completes one journey.

What planet lies in its orbit plane?

All planets lie in the plane of their orbit, but most spin on an that is nearly (many have tilted axes of spin) perpendicular to that plane. The one exception is the planet Uranus which has its axis of spin lying very close to its orbital plane.

Is there a north pole and a south pole on mars?

Yes. All of the planets, which spin on their own axes, have a north and a south pole.To my knowledge, Earth is the only planet upon which axes may be found. I do believe that all planets that rotate around their axis have a north and south pole.

How are the gas giants and inner planets similar?

Firstly they are all roughly spherical. Secondly they orbit the sun. Thirdly they spin on their axes.

Will earth always spin at this speed if no how will it change?

No. Tidal interactions with the moon are gradually slowing the rate of Earth's spin

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How long does it take for the sun to spin on its axes once?

One day equals one spin on earth's axis.

How many times will earth spin in a day?


How many times will the earth spin in aweek?


How many times will the earth spin in 2000 years?

About 728,000 times.

How many times does Saturn spin in one earth day?

saturn rotates 1.25 times in a earth day

How many times does earth spin on its axis a day?

One spin is what measures the length of one day

How many times did lord muroga have to spin the earth?

3 times according to a version.

How many times does the earth spin around in a year?

The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.

How many times does the earth spin on its axisin the time it takes for one complete orbit around the sun?

About 365.25 times.

How many times does the earth spin on its axis while it makes the journey?

Earth spins on its axis for about 365/366 times while it completes one journey.

How many times does the earth spin on its axis?

The earth spins one complete spin every 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds (rounded)

How many times does the earth spin on its axis in a day?

One complete spin every 23hours 56minutes 4seconds (rounded) (1 and 1/365) spin every 24 hours