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a more accurate answer is The moon circles the Earth once for every time the moon spins on its axis so the same side is always toward the Earth.

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Q: How many times does the moon spin around the earth in a full rotation?
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The earth rotates itself and rotates around the sun. a full rotation around the sun is exactly a year. a full rotation of the earth itself is a day.

How many times has the earth revolved around the earth since you were born?

It depends on when you where born in takes 1 year to make a full rotation

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Rotation is a full day when the Earth for exapmle spins one way around Revolution is a full year when the Earth make it all the way around te sun

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Rotation is a full day when the Earth for exapmle spins one way around Revolution is a full year when the Earth make it all the way around te sun

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A month is when the earth does one full rotation around the earth. A year is when the earth does one full revolution around the sun

What is it called when an object makes a full circular rotation?

RevolutionThe Earth revolves around the sun, making a full rotation every calendar year.

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It's when the earth makes a full rotation around the sun.

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Pluto does not make a full rotation in an Earth day. In one Earth day, pluto has only rotated about 15% of the way.A full rotation on Pluto is about 6.4 Earth days.

What Movement of the earth makes the year?

A year is a full rotation around the sun.

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Because of the moon's orbit around Earth, and the Earth's rotation around the sun...

How often does it take the earth rotate?

In one revolution around our Sun, the Earth rotates just over 365 times. In 4 revolutions around the Sun, the Earth rotates about 1461 times. The average year for the Earth is about 365.25 days.

How long does it take the earth to make a rotation?

It takes 24 earth hours for it to make a full rotation.