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Q: How many times has the earth spins around the moon and sun?
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How many times does the earth spin around in a year?

The earth spins around once every day for 365 days.

How many times does the earth spin and orbit around the sun in a year?

It spins all day (24 hours)

How many times does the earth rotate in a year?

The earth spins on its axis completely once a day and it revolves around the sun completely once a year.

How many times does the Earth rotate on it's axis for everytime that it revolves around the sun?

364.5 times as it takes that many days to revolve around the sun and the earth spins once every twenty four hours.

How many times does the earth rotate the sun a year?

The Earth rotates (spins) roughly 365.25 times during the time it takes to complete one orbital revolution around the sun. That longer period is the one we call "year".

How many times does the moon spin around the earth in a full rotation?

a more accurate answer is The moon circles the Earth once for every time the moon spins on its axis so the same side is always toward the Earth.

How many times does the earth spin on its axis while it makes the journey?

Earth spins on its axis for about 365/366 times while it completes one journey.

Does the sun revolves around the earth?

Yes, the earth revolves around the sun. The year on earth represents one trip of our planet in its orbit around our star.

How many times a year does the earth rotate around the sun?

April 22nd please care for the earth. plant a tree, ride a bike, recycle..many more!!

How many times does the world spin in 1 day?

The Earth spins once every 24hrs=1day. However the moon spins once every 4 weeks which is where you get the half, quarter, crescent and full moon.

How many times bigger is jupiterthan earth?

around 1300 times

How many times does Neptune spin in a year?

Neptune spins 547.5 times in a year.(365 days.) i found out the answer by first, finding the least common multiple between 16 and 24 because on neptune, it takes 16 hrs to spin once. & on earth it takes 24hrs to spin once. the least commen multiple was 48. so, with that information, i found out that on neptune it takes 48 hours to spin 3 times. while on earth, it takes 48 hours to spin 2 times. or in other words, Neptune- 2 days= spins 3 times Earth- 2 Days= spins 2 times. so then, i divided the ammount of days in a year, by 2 because that is the least common multiple between earth & neptune. & that gave me 182.5. Then, i multiplied 182.5 by 3 because that's how many times it spins in two days. & i got 547.5 times.