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Q: How many times is the word kid mentioned in the bilbe?
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In the King James version * The word blessed is mentioned 302 times * The word bless is mentioned 127 times * The word blessing is mentioned 67 times * The word blessingsis mentioned 12 times * The word blesseth is mentioned 8 times * The word blessedness is mentioned 3 times * The word blessest is mentioned 3 times

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In the King James version* The word appeared is mentioned 70 times * The word appear is mentioned 54 times * The word appearance is mentioned 38 times * The word appeareth is mentioned 10 times * The word appearing is mentioned 6 times * The word appearances is mentioned 2 times

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In the King James version * The word give is mentioned 880 times * The word given is mentioned 498 times * The word giveth is mentioned 126 times * The word givest is mentioned 12 times * The word giver is mentioned 2 times * The word gave is mentioned 465 times * The word gavest is mentioned 34 times

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In the King James version, * The word adultery is mentioned 40 times * The word adulterers is mentioned 9 times * The word adulteries is mentioned 5 times * The word adulteress is mentioned 4 times * The word adulterousis mentioned 4 times * The word adulterer is mentioned 3 times * The word adulteresses is mentioned 3 times

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How many times does the Bible say speak?

In the King James version * The word speak is mentioned 513 times * The word speaketh is mentioned 74 times * The word speaking is mentioned 62 times * The word speakest is mentioned 17 times * The word speaker is mentioned 2 times * The word speakings is mentioned 1 time * The word spake is mentioned 587 times * The word spakest is mentioned 10 times * The word spoken is mentioned 287 times * The word spokes is mentioned 1 time * The word spokesman is mentioned 1 time

How many times does the word go appear in the Bible?

In the King James version* The word go is mentioned 1492 times * The word gone is mentioned 213 times * The word goeth is mentioned 135 times * The word going is mentioned 92 times * The word goest is mentioned 46 times * The word goings is mentioned 26 times

How many times is 6 used in the bible?

In the King James version * The word six is mentioned 202 times * The word sixth is mentioned 47 times * The word sixteen is mentioned 23 times * The word sixty is mentioned 15 times * the word sixteenth is mentioned 3 times * The word sixscore is mentioned 2 times * The word sixtyfold is mentioned 1 time

How many times is house mentioned in the bible?

In the King James version the word - winterhouse - is mentioned once the word - storehouse - is mentioned twice the word - householder - is mentioned 4 times the word - storehouses - is mentioned 6 times the word - households - is mentioned 7 times the word - housetop - is mentioned 7 times the word - housetops - is mentioned 7 times the word - household - is mentioned 61 times the word - houses - is mentioned 136 times the word - house - is mentioned 2024 times

How many times is the word ask used in the bible?

In the King James version* The word asked is mentioned 119 times * The word ask is mentioned 109 times * The word asketh is mentioned 11 times * The word asking is mentioned 7 times * The word askest is mentioned 3 times

How many times is the word peace mentioned in the Bible?

In the King James version * The word peace is mentioned 429 times * The word peacebly is mentioned 12 times * The word peaceable is mentioned 8 times * The word peacemakers is mentioned 1 time