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Q: How many times sweeter is aspartame than sucrose?
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What is the difference between sucrose and aspartame?

These are both artificial sweeteners. Aspartame is used in soft drinks and sugar-free gum, while saccharin is used mostly in lollies and drinks and is what is usually in the little sweetener packets at cafes. They are both many times sweeter than normal white sugar and there is always a lot of controversy about them being bad for your health - ie cancer causing.

Why is stevia better than sugar?

Stevia may be composed of several different types of molecules from the Stevia rebaudiana leaf. These steviol glycosides can be up to 300 times sweeter than sucrose. Many synthetic artificial sweeteners are more potent than Stevia. For example Saccharine (up to 700 times sweeter than sugar), Sucralose (600 times sweeter) and Neotame (8000 times sweeter) are all much sweeter.

How many syllables are in aspartame?


How many syllables in aspartame?

There are three syllables in aspartame: as/par/tame.

Why might a substance taste sweet but give a negative reaction with the Benedict's solution?

It is because the sugar in science is very different from the sugar we know. The sugar we know is sweet thing but in science it has to do with many things like sucrose and such

Does caramel have sugar?

A one word answer would be "YES". Depending on the kind of sugars meant, each kind of sugar has its own chemical formula. Table sugar is sucrose. It is made from two simpler sugars called glucose and fructose. Glucose is also sometimes called dextrose. Glucose is a little less sweet than sucrose, and fructose is a sweeter than sucrose. When sucrose is heated in the presence of an acid (such as vinegar or lemon juice), it breaks down into glucose and fructose, and the resulting syrup is sweeter than sucrose. The syrup is called "invert sugar". Simple sugars can join to form long chains. Glucose units can chain up to form amylose,the starch in corn. There are many different types of simple sugars, and they can combine into many more types of complex sugars. The backbone of DNA is a chain made of sugars.

How many moles of sucrose are in 200 grams?

200g times 342.2965 g/mol = 68459.3 moles

How many molecules are in 5 mg of aspartame?

Roughly 1.023x10^22 molecules of aspartame or 10,230,000,000,000,000,000,000

Is sucrose sugar?

No. Sucrose has a relative sweetness of 1.0, while Splenda (Sucralose) of the same quantity is about 600 times sweeter. Fructose is the sweetest of all natural sugar types, with a relative sweetness of 1.73. Xylitol is roughly as sweet as sucrose. Glucose, which is the main component of starch, has a relative sweetness of 0.6-0.7. Of all the sugars, Lactose is the least sweet, with a relative sweetness of 0.16.

Why is aspartame important?

Why not? it tastes sweet and isn't bad for teeth and wont make people with diabetes go Hyperglycaemic. If you are referring to the aspartame controversy which I am sure you are, Aspartame hasn't been proved to cause cancer in humans. while studies did find that there were increased cancer rates in rats fed aspartame, this doesn't mean It will cause cancer in humans. Dogs find chocolate poisonous, but humans eat chocolate in copious amounts without incident. so while aspartame may prove fatal to rats, humans can continue to enjoy the foul taste of the worlds most popular artificial sweeter.

Is sucrose found in many fruits and vegetables?

Almost all fruits have sucrose

Is sweetex a better substitute to sugar than aspartame?

can you tell me if sweetex contains ASPARTAME many thanks Bill