

How many toes can a cat have in all?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Cats dont have toes they have paws silly

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Q: How many toes can a cat have in all?
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Why does your cat eat your toes?

if a cat had seen a teengirls toes i can see it eating them

How many toes do you have all together?

you have 10 toes all together

What do you call a cat that has more than the usual number of toes?

If a cat has any amount of extra toes, they are polydactyl.

How many toes do Hemingway's cats have?

We have a Poly-dactyl or Hemingway cat and she has 5 on the front and 4 each on the back, she recently had kittens and they all have 5 or 6 toes on each paw!! I have read that they can have as many as 7. Contrary to the above post, a cat NORMALLY has five toes on the front feet and four on the back. Only the kittens mentioned above are polydactyl.

Is it possible for a cat to have more than 5 toes?

As the above poster said it is a deformity. Years ago witches preferred to have a cat with 6 - 7 toes. A cat with 6 - 7 toes has Polydactyly (extra digits on paws) and it's common among Celtic cats and also some cats on the Eastern Coast in American and SW Britain. There is one breed of cat that extra digits are meant to be and it's called 'Twisty.' In Cornwall, England one lady had a 6 cats with 6 toes. In Havant, Hampshire a lady had 6 cats and 3 had 6 toes and 2 had 4 toes on each foot. One had the normal amount of toes. Generally these cats are classified as 'mitten cat' and have more toes, but no thumb. You would think it would be a detriment to the cat, but instead their dexterity is far greater (almost human like) and they can get into mischief by opening up boxes (just like human hands.) Many owners have some good laughs over what these cats can get into. Enjoy your cat and don't worry as the cat will be fine, but like any other pet your cat should have a yearly check up. If you find your cat limping, then you should take the cat into the vet to have it's feet checked. Also keep the claws snipped down and if your cat won't allow you to do it then your vet will have to.

How many toes do cats have on front foot?

Typically a cat will have five toes, four on the front of the foot and one up towards the heel. Each toe has a claw, but only the four at the front of the foot also have hairless "pads". The central pad on a cat's foot is not a toe but what would be the ball of a human's foot. Polydactyl cats--having six toes--became famous when Hemingway adopted one. Many "barn" cats are this type of cat.

These footprints have only four toes your cat has four toes These footprints must belong to your cat?

inductive reasoning (APEX)

My cat has 6 claws is that normal?

It is not uncommon for some cats to have extra toes on the front or back feet. It is said that a cat with these extra toes are good luck.

Cat's claws when not in use?

Cat claws when not in use are kept in little skin pouches in their paws at the tip of their toes until needed. Try this, If you have a cat, take it's paw and squeeze gently on one of its toes. Watch as the claw rides in and out. This is called a retractable claw. All cats have them except the cheetah.

What is it called when a cat has seven claws on it's paws?

A cat that has extra toes is a polydactyl.

How many toes does a cat have how many toes does a dog have is breast cancer contegious or not do you have to be 18 or older to have a drivers license in china or Vietnam?

well a cat who has a fully usable body has exactly 3 toes and a dog that has a fully usable body as well has exactly 3 toes as well how cool breast cancer is not contagious but you can develop it from past generations no you do no have to be 18 or older to drive in Vietnam or china because you can be 2 to drive in Vietnam or china

What is the most toes a cat has been born with?
