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Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper!

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11y ago

1030 pounds copying paper can be made from one fully grown pine tree. So you will need 7 trees to make 7200 pounds paper.

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Q: How many trees get cut every year to make paper in the whole world?
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Whom did the invention of paper affect?

This affected the whole world because now every one you's paper

What about the number of trees which are cut annually?

Every year, on average, the amount of trees that are cut down are about the size of Ireland and 2 billion of those trees go to making paper.The fact is, world consumption of paper has grown 400% in the last 40 years.Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper, representing about 35% of all harvested trees.

How many trees are planted every day in the whole world?

Unknown. No records are kept on how many trees are planted. A fellow goes to a store buys a tree and puts it in his yard there is no data kept on this action.

How many trees were used in the last year to make paper?

Approximately 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the world are used in paper industries annually. Have you ever thought that the paper you use is made out of how many trees? The paper you use is made out of 10 trees.Please do not waste paper and use it intelligently.And yes daily almost '2,00,000' of trees are cut down!

Why you are asked not to waste paper?

Because paper is made from trees. One of our most valuable resources. If they aren't protected we are in danger of one day living in a world where trees are in museums only.

Do you cut down trees for papers?

yeah but you can get paper from other things too

How do you get every power in the whole world?

You are born with it.

How can you stop cutting down trees?

To stop cutting down trees, the people of the world have to find more ways to used recycled paper. Recycled paper is now big business in the United States. International Paper is a company that recycles cardboard to be used in many other products, including paper.

Why paper use is limited?

because there are only so many trees in the world. more and more trees are being chopped down as newspaper, magazines, schools, and printer companies are needing paper. sometimes forests are cut down before new trees can grow to replace the chopped trees. trees not only give us paper, but oxygen to breathe, wood to craft, and leaves to study and research.

Why should you use recycled paper?

Because it's good for the environment and it will save more trees. If we don't recycle and just throw it away, we have to cut down more trees to make more paper that would be unnecessary if we would just reuse the paper that we already have made. Recyclable paper helps the environment because it stops a lot of used paper being put into waste dumps or burn, and also if you recycle paper it means manufacturers don't have to cut down more trees to make paper.

What plant is an early form of paper?

Apparantly any fibrous tree can be used to make paper. In the midwestern states usually the Popplar tree is used. It grows very quickly and has soft wood.

A map of the whole world that fits onto a single sheet of paper is drawn to?
