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Can vary from zero to hundreds, depending on the base.

A military base will have some staff assigned to the base, fort, station, etc. itself. However, bases can be the temporary or permanent home to all sorts of military units (large & small). Often these units have trucks assigned to them, and they would be garaged or parked on the base. Some bases may have trucks that are operated by civilians as well.

Normally a base would need at least one truck to haul things around in. Generally the larger the base the more trucks it might have. Also generally the more/larger the units the base is home to, then the more trucks it would have.

This is an OLD Army board question. The "truck" in question is the ball at the top of a flagpole.

Generally the is one.

As for the follow-up question, what's in a truck, a truck is supposed to contain a nickel and a .45 round--the nickel so the government will never be out of money, the bullet so the base will never be out of ammunition.

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