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there are two types of addresses: network addresses and physical addresses

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Q: How many types of addresses in each network node?
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How many types of addresses does a network node have?

In computer networking, a node refers to a connection point. It has two types of addresses, a network address and a physical address.

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One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.One - by your problem statement, all addresses are part of the same network. The number of host addresses is 232-21 - 2, or about 2000.

Approximately how many ip addresses are available for a single class b ip license?

License? Where do you get this? In a Class B network there are 2 to the 16th power addresses. Class B = 65536 addresses In a Class A network there are 2 to the 24th power addresses Class A = 16,777,216 addresses In a class C network there are 2 to the 8th power addresses Class C = 256 addresses Class A around 16 million Class B around 65,000 Class C is actually 254 NOT 256. IP addresses are leased and therefore the lessee is given a license to use that particular IP address.

How many network types available in OSPF?

3 types off network are availble

How many networks and addresses are available for class b ip addresses?

First octet rule for each class:Class A: 0xxxxxxxClass B: 10xxxxxxClass C: 110xxxxxClass A range is 0 - 1270.0.0.0 and are not "routable" IP addresses. One defines all networks and the other is the loopback. We have a total of 126 usable networks and 16,777,214 usable hostaddresses per network. There are even less if we don't count the private address of (RFC 1918).Class B range is 128 - 191There are 16,384 total networks in this class; that's including the private addresses of - (RFC 1918). There are a total of 65,534 usable host addresses per network.Class C range is 192 - 223There are 2,097,152 total networks in this class; that's including the private addresses of - (RFC 1918). There are 254 usable hosts addresses per network.

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How many ip's in slash 24 network?

A slash 19 network includes 8,190 host per network. Prefix networks can are not arranged up to /31 since it would 0 host per network.