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supposed to be 13-15 / probably ..

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Q: How many types of bumble bees are there in India?
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Related questions

How many legs do bumble bees?

Bumble bees, like all other insects, have six legs.

How do bumble bees affect human?

Bumble bees polinate many fruits trees that humans enjoy.

How many antenna's do bumble bees have?


How long can bumble bees live?

It depends on how many stripes it has

How many bees are there in California?

from my research the world famous "bumble bees" live in California. other type of bee is, a "solitary bee" I'm sure there are others but the majority is "bumble bees", and "solitary".

How many different bees are there?

There are roughly 20,000 different varieties of bee. The four major groups are * Honey bees * Bumble bees * Stingless bees * Carpenter bees

Can you eat bumble bees?

Bumble bees are edible as are most insects and are high in protein. Insects are eaten in many cultures around the world. Some European countries make confections (candy) containing whole insects such as honey bees.

Where do bumble bees go at night?

Some tropical bees can and the European hornets fly at night.

What bird will eat a bumble bee?

Badgers are the biggest threat to bumble bees, digging up their nests for the larvae. They are also prey to many birds, as well as larger insects. Skunks will also eat bumble bees.

How many body regions do bumble bees have?

Three - the head, the abdomen and the naughty bits.

Can a bumble bee crossbreed with a honey bee?

No, but there are many species of honey bees that will crossbreed

What job bumblebee do in hive?

The bumble bees are pretty much worker bees. They do many different jobs like; two bees guard the entrance and they polinate.