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No one knows, we haven't discovered all of the plants yet.

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Q: How many types of plants are in the AMazon?
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Related questions

Does the Amazon have many plants?

Yes it does, an amazon has many plants. What do u expect, it is an amazon rain forest. FOREST PEOPLE!!

What types of food do people eat in the Amazon River?

Corn plants

What are three kinds of plants in the Amazon?

Three types of plants commonly found in the Amazon rainforest are bromeliads, orchids, and giant water lilies. These plants are known for their unique adaptations to the rainforest environment and play important roles in the ecosystem.

How many types of piranha are there?

In the amazon river there is about 30 different types

Are there any plants that hibernate?

yes there are many types of plants the are...

Plants in the Amazon River?

Plants in the Amazon River include water lilies, giant Amazon sword plants, and various species of floating plants like water lettuce and water hyacinth. These plants play a crucial role in the ecosystem by providing food and shelter for aquatic animals and helping maintain water quality. Additionally, the Amazon River basin is home to a diverse array of plant species that contribute to the region's high levels of biodiversity.

Which Poisonous animals in the Amazon rain forest?

some poisonous animals that live in the amazon rain forest could be certain types of snakes and some spiders like a turanchula,or some types of frogs and plants.

How many different types of dolphins are there?

in the amazon two

How many different types of fish is there in the Amazon?


How many animals and plants live in the amazon rainforests?

there are 20,000 animals and plants in the tropical rainforest.

Why does Amazon rainforest have so many different plants and animals?

The Amazon rainforest has a high level of biodiversity due to its complex and varied ecosystem, abundant rainfall and sunlight, and diverse array of habitats. This combination of factors allows a wide range of plants and animals to coexist and thrive in the region.

Do mammals live in the Amazon rainforest?

Yes, many types of mammals live in the Amazon rainforest.