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The average human can hold the bladder for approximately 6 hours.

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Q: How many urine in the bladder when someone feels like urinating?
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Related questions

What is the act of expelling urine from the bladder?

Urinating, which is contracting the urinary bladder.

Is waste is transported from the kidneys in the form of urine?

They are stored in liquid form as urine and held in the urinary bladder until you "relieve" yourself by urinating.

What part of the urinary system holds urine until a person feels the need to urine?

The bladder.

Symptoms of cystolithiasis?

Cystolithiasis is commonly called bladder stones. Symptoms of bladder stones include abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and fever.

What are organs that hold urine until it leaves the body?

You hold the urine for some time in urinary bladder. Urinary bladder is situated in your pelvic cavity. The formation of the urine is continuous process. You can not go on urinating continuously. That is why the urinary bladder is there.

What are the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer?

According to webMD, symptoms of cancer in the bladder include: blood or blood clots in the urine, urinating frequently only small amounts, pain when urinating, and frequent urinary tract infections. Some symptoms that indicate bladder cancer also indicate other bladder conditions.

Does healthy urine contain germs?

Normal, healthy urine is sterile when it's in the bladder and does not contain germs.

What does it mean when you pee and your bladder sill feels full and your urine smells a little?

Don't no

How does a human release urine?

Humans release urine by urinating. First waste is filtered through the blood, with the kidneys, then the urine that was extracted goes into the ureter, which is a tube connecting the kindeys to the bladder, once the bladder gets full, it inflates on sensitive nerve endings, then when humans urinate, the bladder passes through a tube called the urethra, which connects the bladder to the penis, and the urine passes through the penis opening.

Is going to the bathroom very often considered a symptom of bladder problem?

Frequent urination can be a sign of overactive bladder or bladder infections. You also want to look for blood in your urine, urine that is especially dark in color or has a very strong smell, and notify a doctor immediately is you have pain when urinating.

What are some of the early symptoms of a bladder infection?

There are various symptoms of a bladder infection also known as UTI. Some of the early signs of a bladder infection include pain while urinating, frequent urination, and blood in urine.

What part of the urinary system holds urine until the person feels the need to urinate?

The bladder.