

How many valence electron does an iodine have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Seven valence electrons in iodine.

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Q: How many valence electron does an iodine have?
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If an atom of iodine gains one electron it will have the same number of valence electrons as which element?

If an atom of iodine gains one electron, it will have the same number of valence electrons as the element xenon. Both iodine and xenon have 7 valence electrons after iodine gains an electron.

Where can you find the valence electrons of iodine?

On the last electron shell; iodine is a monovalent element.

How many electrons will be in the valence shell of a iodine ion?

A neutral iodine atom has 7 electrons in its valence shell. When iodine forms an ion with a charge of -1, it gains an extra electron, making a total of 8 electrons in its valence shell.

How many valence electrons in iodine?

7 valence electrons in iodine

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The order is: Iodine (7 valence electrons) Carbon (4 valence electrons) Calcium (2 valence electrons) Sodium (1 valence electron)

What is the maximum number of electrons in the l- orbit of an atom?

Iodine has 7 valence electrons. I- contains 8 valence electron.

How many electrons does iodine gain to achieve noble gas electron configuration?

Iodine gains one electron to achieve a noble gas electron configuration. Its electron configuration is [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p⁵, and by gaining one electron, it attains the stable configuration of [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p⁶, which is similar to the noble gas xenon.

How many single bonds does iodine typically form?

Iodine typically forms one single bond due to the presence of seven valence electrons in its outer shell. This allows iodine to share one electron with another atom in order to complete its octet and achieve a more stable electron configuration.

How many electrons does the iodine negative ion have?

The iodine negative ion, I-, has gained one electron, giving it a total of 54 electrons. Each electron has a negative charge, and the additional electron in the ion gives it a net charge of -1.

What element has the electron configuration of Kr 5s2 4d10 5p5?

The element with the electron configuration Kr 5s2 4d10 5p5 is iodine, which has 53 electrons in total. The electron configuration indicates that iodine has 7 valence electrons in its outermost shell, which is in the 5p subshell.

How many valance electrons does an iodine have?

Iodine has 7 valence electrons.

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Alkali metals have one valence electron.