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Iodine atom has 7 valence electrons, whereas Iodide ion has 8 valence electrons.

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Q: How many electrons will be in the valence shell of a iodine ion?
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How many valence electrons in iodine?

7 valence electrons in iodine

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There is no Iodone atom, there is however an Iodine atom that has seven valence electrons or seven electrons in outermost shell.

How many valence electron does an iodine have?

Seven valence electrons in iodine.

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There are 2 electrons in valence shell of calcium. :-)

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A magnesium atom has 2 electrons in its valence shell. A magnesium ion has 8 electrons in its valence shell.

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Iodine gains 1 electron to fill it's shell.

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Both iodine and chlorine are halogens (group 17) and have 7 valence electrons.

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4V V-Valence Electrons Valence Electrons-Last electron (which is on the outer shell)

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How many valence electrons in a iodine atom?
