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Q: How many victims in the sunami of 2004 in Indonesia?
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How many died in indonesia's tsunami in 2004?


How many people died in the 2004 Indonesia tsunami?

220,000 people

How many minutes of hours after an Earthquake of a magnitude of 8.9 or more does a Sunami happen?

Depends where the earthquake is at.

How and where were the most victims killed in Krakatoa?

Victims were killed mostly in Indonesia, because that is where it happened. Victims were killed in many ways like, being burnt alive, drowned in the tsunami and by trying to save other victims.

How many island douse Indonesia have?

It is approximately 17,504 based on the 2004 count from the government. with 7000+ has names and the rest of the 9000+ is nameless

This Southeast Asian island experienced an offshore earthquake and tsunami in 2004?

Many islands were impacted by the 2004 Tsunami, two of the hardest hit islands included Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

Does Indonesia have many sandy beaches?

Yes Indonesia has many sandy beaches.

How many japanise people died in the the sunami attack?

ATM it stands at 1000+ but its estimated 10,000+ might have been killed. fyi it was a Japanese Tsunami.

How many women are there in Indonesia?

As of the latest available data, Indonesia's population includes approximately 130 million women.

How many people died in Indonesia during the 2004 tsunami?

During the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, there was approximately two hundred thousand to two hundred eighty thousand deaths. This has been rated as one of the worst earthquakes in history.

How many people were presidents in Indonesia?

Indonesia had 7 presidents

How many people died in Indonesia in the tsunami and earthquake of December 26 2004?

it's about 130.000 peoples dead and over of 37.000 people lost after Indonesian Tsunami in 2004