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Q: How many villages in maharashtra are without electricity?
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How many villages in India are without electricity?

India has around 80,000 villages without electricity and 25,000-odd among them have little chance of being connected to the power grid in the conventional way.These villages were without electricity for 20 years!!

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Yes, aluminum can definitely create electricity. When this occurs, it is called an aluminum battery. In fact, many poor villages have their power made by aluminum.

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There are many such houses in the coastal villages in Dhofar and on down towards Aden. I have been in some villages that appear as they did in Biblical days, no running water, no electricity, no glass in windows.

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What is the importance in the discovery of electricity?

That you were able to ask this question. Without electricity, we wouldn't have many of the things we have now. A LOT of stuff use electricity to work.

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Yes many villages do have schools in them.

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Maharashtra covers a total area of 118,809 square miles.

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Ther are near abt 15 national highways in maharashtra.

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in new york? if so about 80%