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Aproximatly 13 but not exactly sure, I tried talking to my dog but found out she has a very momotone voice lol

, And this is random isn't technology awsome I'm awnsering this on my black berry:D

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Cats have over 100 so you would think that they have atleast 30 but no they have 10.

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Q: How many vocal sounds can a human make?
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Vocal sounds are many from a nicker to a whinny and even a low growl can be heard from a horse.

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These animals make many different sounds. They grunt and chirp. They even purr with a growl like sound. They are loud and vocal. They squeal a lot.

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You can get many varieties of special and unique sounds for an alarm system, from vocal sounds to the standard beeps.

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How many vocal sound can cats make?

a huge number of sounds. anywhere from a range of meow pitches to clicking to a mix between a pur and a meow

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Bats use their vocal tract to make ultrasonic sound the same way we use our vocal tract to make audible sound. They use these for a form of SONAR navigation allowing them to "see" in total darkness. Also many insect eating bats can focus their ultrasonic sound to use it to stun their prey.

How many vocal sound can a dog produce?

Dogs have a wide range of vocal sounds they can use to communicate with humans and other animals. According to some sources¹², dogs can produce hundreds of different vocalizations, but each individual dog may only use a few of them. Some of the common dog sounds include barking, growling, whining, howling, whimpering, yelping, snarling, yipping and yapping¹²³. Different dog breeds may also have distinctive sounds, such as purring, singing, screaming or yodeling¹⁴. Dogs use these sounds to express their emotions, needs, wants and fears. By paying attention to the pitch, tone and body language of your dog, you can learn to understand what they are trying to tell

How do different animals make their sound?

Crickets rub their legs against scales on their abdomen. Gorillas pound their chest with their fists. Many mammals use vocal chords to produce sounds.

How many vocal sound can a cat make?


Do female leghorn chickens make rooster like sounds?

Yes. Roosters have many different vocal sounds. A reassuring clucking sound is common for roosters to make.

How many sounds can you make with a bulge?

You can make up to three different sounds with a bulge