

How many votes were supported the Vietnam War?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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No votes involved; did want the Commander in Chief ordered.

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Q: How many votes were supported the Vietnam War?
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Who faught in Vietnam?

The Vietnam war is also called the Second Indochina War. The war was fought by between North Vietnam who were supported by China and Soviet Union and South Vietnam which was supported by the United States.

What country was supported by the US during the Vietnam War?

The United States Supported South Vietnam.

What was the out come of the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam War was the only time that the communists defeated an American supported free nation (South Vietnam).

How was Vietnam War different from the Korean war?

{| |- | The Korean War was supported by more than just the United States. NATO forces assisted in many ways. Vietnam was pretty much a US only conflict, while China supported the North Vietnamese. |}

What if the hippies supported the Vietnam War?

There were drafted hippies in the infantry in Vietnam; they were good men.

What was the counterculture and how did it relate to Vietnam?

The counter-culture was a group of people who supported anti-war demostrations, including the Vietnam war :)

What were the opponents of the Vietnam war called?

The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.

Who had the US tried to help north Vietnam or south Vietnam why?

The communist superpowers supported the north with war material. The US supported the south with men & material. Reason: Cold War.

How did the opinions of hawks and doves differ regarding the ongoing war in Vietnam?

doves believed the Vietnam's conflict was localized civil war and disagreed with Johnson war policy, but Hawks supported his felt Vietnam a crucial front in the war

Why did some people support the Vietnam war?

Some people supported the Vietnam War because they supported America's resolve not let communism spread. The Cold War policy of America was still in effect during this time.

How many US presidents played a role in Vietnam's civil war?

Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford supported South Vietnam. The Soviet and Red Chinese presidents supported their ally (with equipment)...North Vietnam.

Who were on the democratic side of the Vietnam war?

South Vietnam, supported by the United States, Korea, and Australia's military.