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5 volts

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Q: How many watts does a psp charger use?
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Related questions

Can you use a PSP go Charger to charger your PSP vita?

yes cause you can play ds and dsi while charging

How many watts does a 36 volt battery charger use?

Not sure about how many Watts your 36 volt charger uses, but you can find out by this formula... Volts X Amps = Watts.

How do you fix a broken psp charger?

use an extender charger

Can you use a 6 volt charger for a psp?

You should only use a charger that has the same voltage and current rating as the psp was designed for.

How many watts does a charger use per hour?

about 15 per hour its not a lot

How many watts does an iPad charger use?

About 5 watts for an iPod and 10 watts for an ipad

Will PSP 2000 charger work with PSP 3000?

. yes you can use it there the same chargers for all of the psp's. they use he same wiring and all that so there is no need to go buy a new charger or anything.

If you have a psp and you don't have a charger what do you do to charge it?

use ur USB

What kind of charger can you use for a psp?

it doesn't matter if you use a 5 or 3 vault or if you use a 2000 mb charger after using a 1500 mb charger or vise versa

Would an iPhone charger work for a PSP Go charger?

No. It wouldn't. I guess you can but you will have to go into "USB mode" from settings and wait for it to charge but if you exit the go wont charge. But you can charge a iPhone with a PSP go charger :) .it works well actually. And you save your self from having to buy a $30 apple wall charger. they are not compatible with earch other, because iPhone charger don't use same port as PSP go charger. If you find a same charge port, it will work on pSP go. we offer both iPhone charger and PSP go charger. you can buy it on

What cell phone charger can you use with the psp go?

i don't think they use phone chargers.

Do you have to have a fully charge battery when downgrading psp or just use charger?

It is best to use the charger to downgrade, insufficient battery could lead to your psp getting bricked. Some down graders and up graders require you to have at least 75% battery life, even when you have the charger pluged in.