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I only know of a few you can pop the neck by having the person lie flat on the floor with you sitting behind them. You place one hand under the head and the opposite hand thum along the jaw line gently slowly turn until it pops. Turn head the other direction and repeat proceedure. Or have victim oops friend sit in front of you and place one hand on back of the head and one on the chin gently turning till you reach the pop

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Q: How many ways can you crack your neck?
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Why does your neck crack?

Can you really get arthritis in your neck if you crack it to much?

No you can not get arthritis if you crack your neck to much. Though, your neck will be loocking down for the rest of your life.

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There are many ways to enter a computer, but what do you mean by crack something ?-)

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No cause my box turtle has a crack in her neck and the vet said she's fine

What happens if you crack your neck?

You die

Is cracking your neck unhealthy?

if you have a crack in your neck once in a while it's ok to crack it like with anything, but repeatedly & obsessively cracking your neck is not good for you as the 'crack' noise you hear is actually air bubbles popping away at your bones & can permanently damage them.

What does it mean when your neck cracks everytime you move it?

what happens when your neck cracks everytime you move it

Is crack dangerous?

yes crack can be dangerous in many ways, it can cause many problems with you. like death lung cancer or disease i would hope you would listen to me and NOT TAKE CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it harmful to crack your neck?

No, just don't force it(Grab your head an pull down) And personly I crack my neck all the time.(I bend my head to my shoulder)

Does cracking your neck cause swelling?

no. your just tearing cartilage. unless you crack it for the first time or you crack your neck when it doesn't wanna be cracked it wont swell.

Is crack willow dangerous?

yes crack can be dangerous in many ways, it can cause many problems with you. like death lung cancer or disease i would hope you would listen to me and NOT TAKE CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do scardox baby's come out from?

The back of their neck. If they are pregnant there should be a crack in the back of their neck a few weeks before you can actually turn their head inside out by the crack to get the babies out.