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1d ago

In Spanish, the verb "ser" is mainly used to indicate characteristics, origins, relationships, and time. It is also used to form the passive voice and in certain idiomatic expressions.

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What does the Spanish word ser mean in English?

The Spanish word "ser" means "to be" in English.

What does ser mean?

Ser is a spanish word that means to be in english.

What are the different ways ser can be used in spanish?

it can be used as "being"

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The Spanish word Soy comes from the verb Ser and means "I am".

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Bien with the verb "estar" Bueno with the verb "ser"

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The word "ir" means "to go" in Spanish, while "ser" means "to be." Both are verbs used to describe actions or states of being.

How do you say the word being in Spanish?

The word being depends on the context, and there are two verbs that mean to be: estar and ser. The present participle for each is: ser: siendo and estar: estando.

What is the English translation of the Spanish word "ser"?

"Pigs" is an English equivalent of the Spanish word cerdos.Specifically, the word is a masculine noun in its plural form. It may be translated as "hogs, pigs, swines" depending upon context. The pronunciation will be "SER-thos" or "THER-thos" depending upon the Spanish speaker's birthplace.

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In English, "el va a ser mi novio" translates to "he is going to be my boyfriend."

What is the spanish slang word for hospital?

Pudiera ser "descuartizadero" o aun "matadero". There's not a slang word for hospital in Spanish, it's always hospital

Can you be my girlfreand in spanish word?

Puede usted/puedes ser mi novia (Formal/imformal)

Son mean in Spanish?

It depends on what you are asking. The English word "son" would be "hijo" in Spanish. The Spanish word "son" is a conjugated form of the verb "ser", meaning "to be". In this case, it is the third person plural, or "they are".