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Q: How many weeks do a fracture toe heals?
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What is a angulated fracture in fifth toe?

An angulated fracture is one in which the bones, once broken, no longer line up in the straight line they used to assume, and have broken into an angle. The fifth toe is the little toe.

What kind of tretment do you get if you have a hallux fracture?

big toe splint

Can you play softball with a toe chip fracture?

probably not but you should talk to your doctor

How long does it take for a fractured growth plate to heal?

It took mine around 4 weeks to heal but my mom didnt take me to the doctor til two weeks after i did it so i only needed a cast for 4 weeks but i would of needed it for 6.

What to do after corn is removed from toe?

You have to clean and dress the wound on alternate day till the wound heals.

How do you get cure of bone chip fracture on leg toe?

Keep the weight off that foot, a bandage, and wait.

How long will an athlete with turf toe be out of the game?

Three to five weeks

What kind of doctors heals fungus?

It dependes where the fungus is.usually a general physician can write a prescription for it.if it is in the toe nails better to go to a podiatrist

How can you shower with a spiral fractured toe?

I broke my toe yesterday, went to A&E, got it taped up and on crutches. It's a spiral fracture in the toe next to the big toe. How can I shower/wash without damaging it more? I don't want to impede the healing as I need it to be healed in time for my holiday and it's already unlikely if that will happen.

What colour is your toe when it is fractured?

Not always, your toe is purple because you have broken blood vessels in your toe and the blood has leaked out into your tissue. Your body will absorb this spilled blood in time and you can watch your toe turn all kinds of colors during this process. To see if you have indeed broken a bone and not sprained it, you need to have an x-ray.

How to cure a fracture?

There is no "cure" for a fractured toe, the toe needs to be set and wrapped so it does not move. A cast cannot be placed on a single toe and a foot cast does not help as the toe will tend to move each time weight is place on the foot. A crutch or cane can be used for a few weeks but care needs to be taken by the patient not to move the toe.

What could cause an unexplainable numbness in a toe?

The toe has been numb for 3 days but hasnt changed color. I'm 30 weeks pregnant if that's relevant.