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It dependes where the fungus is.usually a general physician can write a prescription for it.if it is in the toe nails better to go to a podiatrist

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Q: What kind of doctors heals fungus?
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What is a four letter word for a kind of fungus?

A kind of fungus.

What kind of fungus is Staphylococcus aureus?

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria, not a fungus.

What kind of fungi grows in the tundra?

There are fungi such as mycobiont, red fungus, and yellow fungus!

Exsample sentence for the word fungus?

Mushrooms are a kind of fungus that people like to eat.

What are spores and what is the important factor in relation to infetion control?

Spores are the seed of a fungus or mushroom. certain fungus can kill other fungus in a human body. Some doctors use CERTAIN KINDS of mushrooms for medicines.

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its not a fungus! Its called poison ivy. Why are you touching fungus...stupid.

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What kind of organism is a mushroom?

It is a fungus.

How is yeast formed?

It is grown as yeast is a kind of fungus.

Why can't you use the same kind of antibiotic for a fungus infection as you use for a bacterial infection?

AntiBiotics kill bacteria, not fungus. To kill Fungus, An Antifungal Would have to be used.

What kind of doctors get more money?

eye doctors

What happens to fungus later?

Depending upon what kind of fungus you are talking about, it may form a fruiting body and produce spores.