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Q: How many were in the gulags after Stalin died?
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How many people were still in the gulags after Stalin's death?

a lot

what did stalin create for people who disagreed with the government?

The gulags

What legacy did Stalin leave behind?

One of gulags and terror.

How many Russians kill Stalin?

Stalin died of natural causes (stroke) at age 73 in 1953. Extrapolation from Soviet records indicate that Stalin was responsible for around 700,000 deaths of regular citizens. 14 million people were relocated, deported and passed through the gulags in his time.

Who ran the gulags?

Zionist jews. Stalin and his trusted servants were all jews.

How did Stalin kill people?

Stalin's opponents were sent to the Siberian labor camps called gulags where they were worked to death if not they would kill him.

How many women died in the Gulags?

I think 104 hope this helped

What were the Siberian concentration camps called into which Stalin forced all critics of his government?


Why did Stalin send people to gulags and purges?

'cause he needed slaves for the hard unpayed work

How many people died in the GULAGs?

AnswerAbout Three million died there between the time Lenin established them and Stalin's death in 1953.I wrote my Phd on this and you will find that the figure is closer to 40 million. Some estimates even go as high as 60 million.

Why did most historians consider Joseph Stalin such a ruthless leader?

Perhaps because of the history of the Siberian Gulags.

What were Stalin's prison work camps called?

You may be referring to the "gulags"; more information will be posted soon.