

How many wolves does it take to kill a human?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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One lone wolf has the strength of killing a human whenever it attacks it.

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Q: How many wolves does it take to kill a human?
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no. Some have been able to train wolves. Some wolves can be more aggressive than others and wolves would take way more time to train and it would be harder to take care of them than dogs. Wolves are really more afraid of humans than we are to them! A wolf may attack a human to protect his/her family because it could think the human could hurt or kill the wolves family! Wolves will go to a farm to kill some sheep,cows,goats and others for survival if there's a lack of food and there hungry. Many farmers will kill wolves because of this but wolves are only doing this to survive.

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Sarah palin kills wolves. here is the story... the wolves are hunting and killing the deer and moose in Alaska, and she said the wolves are killing all the prey and leaving none for the hunters. that is not true. and her solution? glad you asked, she kills them. that's right, she kills innocent creatures because they kill all the deer, even though wolves are endangered. my idea about this? why kill an animal because they hunt a deer, and then turn around and kill the deer? she should take wolves and take them somewhere else... not kill them.

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While attacks by wolves are rare, they do occur. Click on this link for a list of wolf attacks in North America.

How many wolves does it take to kill a lion?

I would have to say between 8-13 hyenas would take on a Lion, and the upper amount being 12-13 would get the kill while losing half their pack.

Does a black wolf kill everything?

Not at all. Black wolves only kill certain animals that live in their territory. One black wolf cannot take down an adult moose or a cougar, but a pack of black wolves might.

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They hide their pups then take care of what is happens that the adult wolves has to take care of. Then they go back for the cubs and continue to protect and raise them.

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about 1000 newtons i believe would be sufficient to kill a person but i took that from the original Mass Effect video games so >.>

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It depends, if you take it with alcohol....