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This is really impossible to answer as most men that cheat will not admit it so statistically speaking cannot be answered however, it is realistically known that most men do not leave their families for their mistresses.

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Q: How many woman leave husband after cheating?
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Will you ever forgive your husband. Do you have the courage to leave him?

this is coming from a guy who has had many relationships and if someone is cheating at all you should leave unless there is children involved then it is different.

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Many he feels guilty or wants to live with the person he is cheating on you with.

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ANSWER: It is that, if your husband told you how the other woman is, it doesn't matter how long the two of you were married. It will be different to your husband because for many years, ( I don't know how long the two of you were married) you are the only one he had sex with, from the day he married you. And when it comes to other woman, the reason why its not the same, she is new to him and it excite him. I know because it happened to me as well

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Don't count on dreams with such a serious issue such as your husband cheating on you. The subconscious can pick up many things during a given day or, you even watch something on TV where a husband has cheated on his wife and if you are not confident in yourself you could have a dream where your husband is cheating. If you want to know for sure because you heavily suspect he is then sit down and talk it over (good communication skills.) It is probably not likely he is cheating.

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it all depends on the situation and the woman. some stay with the husband even though they love the other man, either because the other man is not serious about them or he is married and will not leave his wife. others will leave and prefer to get a job and be single rather than live a lie. i have been a relationship expert and life coach for many years

What legal rights do you have if your husband is having an affair with a single woman?

Sadly, not many. You can divorce him and name her as the adulteress, and even sue her as the reason for alienation of affection from your husband, but that will be a long shot. But you may come out much better in the settlement if you stay with him for now, and do all you can to get proof that he is cheating, such as photos of them together, motel receipts, etc. If you choose to go that route, don't let him know that you are aware that he is cheating.

What is the name of the movie about a girl who boyfriend is cheating on her but she wont leave him?

ok there is many movies that have that

How many time a woman can intercourse with her husband?

As often as they want to.

How many husbands can a Muslim women have?

As in all religions and world cultures, a Muslim woman can have only one husband at a time.

Do a married men thinks that they are not having an affair if all they do is making out without sex?

Opinion: Most men only count sexual intercourse as cheating, so it's very possible they might not believe they are having and affair.Opinion: Many married men, including my husband, don' think and believe that making out, touching each others, exchanging saliva from kissing each other is an affair. To them, feeling the woman through intercourse counts as cheating, but kissing and touching them isn't. In the eyes of God, when a man kisses a woman who is not his wife, he is already committing adultery. When a man takes out a woman who is not his wife, he is already cheating. When a man pursue a woman with everything he got, that is also cheating. Keep in mind, the same goes for girls and cheating by the way. Everything romantic with someone not your spouse is counted as an affair.

Why do men think women are cheating?

Only some men think women are cheating. It depends on the individual woman and she could well be cheating on her boyfriend or husband. Some men have been cheated on once or more in their past so they can view all women as cheaters. Other men cheat on the woman they are with and therefore feel if they are cheating so is the woman they are with. Both sexes cheat for many reasons such as needing something in their sexual lives they are not getting with their partner; others cheat because they cannot commit to one person and some men and women just love the opposite sex and cannot remain true to the person they are with even though they may love them.

Why do husbands web date other women?

Many men (whether husbands or not) feel web dating is not really cheating. It feels safer to converse with a woman over the web because they don't actually have to see each other in person and may simply send each other a picture or pictures and he may be titillated by this. Generally he will not regard this as cheating. If a husband or wife is caught conversing on web dating then it is a form of cheating and this bad habit should be treated as cheating and the problem resolved quickly.