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Q: How many women wish to space or delay their next birth still do not have access to modern methods of contraception?
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What birth controls can be used as contraception?

Contraception is defined as methods or devices used to avoid getting pregnant. Birth control means the same thing. Therefore, all birth control methods are used for contraception.

What form of contraception suppresses ovulation?

The birth control pill prevents the release of eggs.

What type of birth control are diaphragms condoms and the cervical cap?

Diaphragms, condoms, and the cervical cap are barrier methods of contraception.

What are not barrier methods of contraception's?

Birth Control pills, ring, patch, DepoProvera and the IUD are not barriers.

What is the most reliable birth control without getting your tubes tied?

The contraceptive implant and the IUDs are the most reliable reversible methods of contraception.

What are a couple who practice the rhythm method of birth control called?

Many couples are using Natural Methods of Contraception including rhythm method.

Is birth control a form of contraception?

Yes, birth control is a form of contraception. I came across a website where you can get all information about different types of contraception or birth control options which can be used to prevent pregnancy. You can contact for more information.

What is also known as birth control?


Did birth rate in 1920s decrease or increase?

In the 1920s, birth rates generally decreased in industrialized nations due to factors such as economic instability, changing social norms, and increased access to contraception.

What are the different types of contraceptives available in India?

Do you live in India and are looking for information about contraception options? Visit, where you can find out about all the contraceptive methods available, how and where to get them and other necessary information. Contraception options available in India are Sterilization, emergency contraceptive pill, birth control injection, non-hormonal IUD, Birth control pills.

What do Protestant Christians say about contraception?

A:Protestants are overwhelmingly in favour of the use of contraception.

What is another term used for contraception?

Birth Control