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Rest, pray, I, send, sent, say, pay, dress, rid, press, pet, pry, tie, die, rye, dry, and more!!!

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Q: How many words can you get out of Presidents' Day?
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How many different words can be made out of presidents Day?

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To this day how many presidents have served?

to this day, 8th, 2010, there have been 44 presidents in the United States

Is dentist offices close on presidents day?

In the UK they are, the UK does not recognise presidents day as is true with many countries.

Why is sports day important?

Many, many, MANY people in this world love the heck out of sports. Just like Presidents' Day is to honor presidents, sports' day is to honor sports :)

What is correct name for presidents day - presidents day or presidents' day?

Washington's Birthday. There is no federal holiday called Presidents Day regardless of spelling.

How do you spell presidents day?

It is spelled Presidents' Day.

Which is correct Presidents' Day Presidents Day or President's Day?

Grammatically, Presidents' Day is NOT correct. The correct spelling should have no apostrophes at all as the day does not BELONG to the presidents, therefore it is not possessive.

What day is Presidents' Day in 2008?

Presidents' Day was February 18 in 2008.

What is closed on Presidents' Day?

As a federal holiday, many banks and schools are closed in observance of Presidents' Day. The New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are closed for trading on Presidents' Day. The post office is not open and non-essential federal workers have the day off.

Is Presidents' Day a business day?

In terms of financial institutions , i.e. banks, and the U.S. government, i.e. the postal service, it is not a business day. However, many businesses are open on Presidents' day.

Where is the apostraphe in presidents day?

Presidents is plural and possessive, so the apostrophe goes at the end: Presidents' Day.

How is presidents day in the US different from empire's day in japan?

Presidents' Day exists and Empire's Day does not.