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ten, see, net, set, tee, nest, sees, seen, teen, teens, sense, tense, sent, cent, cents, scent, scene -

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Q: How many words can you make out of the word sentences?
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Can you help me make sentences with my words?

Wikianswers provides many sentences under the category Example Sentences, so ask "what is a sentence for the word ____" and you will likely get an answer.

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How do you use a syllable?

A syllable is a part of a word, or in some cases, an entire word, since some words contain only one syllable. Put the syllables together and make words. Put the words together and make sentences. Put the sentences together and make statements.

How do you make sentences by using the word hurt?

Example sentence - His words stung and hurt my feelings.

Make a sentences with word There?

There are so many sentences you can make with the word "there". There you go! 'Where did it go?' he asked. 'Over there,' they replied. He soon found out their words were untrue: it hadn't gone over there, but in the other direction. 'They're lying,' he thought, and looked again and found it. 'Hey!' he said, 'You told me it was there, it was here all the time!'

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Some words you can make from the word PHOTOGRAPH are:aahagoaptartgapgatorgogoatgoogoopgotgothgraphgroathahagharphathathhohoghoophoorahhoothophotoatoathohorpapappatpathphotopoopoohpooppoorpopportpotpropropragraptratrootrottagtaptartarotarptotogatootopTorahtraptroop

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The speaker's captivating storytelling had the audience completely enthralled. His charm and charisma never failed to captivate everyone he met. The beautiful artwork in the museum had a captivating effect on visitors.

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Do i use has or have after the word can?

YES.You can use the word have but not has.Dude you can make so many sentences such as-We can have 4 members in our group.

Sentenoe in uncountable noun?

"Sentenoe" is not an English word. If you mistyped and meant the word "sentence," that is countable. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and a verb that can stand alone and make sense. You can have one sentence, or many sentences: for example, some paragraphs contain five or six sentences.

How many words can you make from the word download?

Some words you can make with the word download are:aadaddadoananddaddawndodondownladlandlawlawnloloadloanloonlowoddonowowlownwadwanwandwonwoowoodwool

How many words can you make from the word dancer?

You can make Fifty-four words from the word dancer.