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Seth, hoe scope scott, scoot, step steep, sheep, shoe, hose, the, scoop, to, too, cot, teeth, set, stop, stoop, hop, and hope

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Q: How many words you can get from the word stethoscope?
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Related questions

What is a sentence for the word stethoscope?

A stethoscope is very important for a young pediatrician.

What syllable has the primary stress in the word stethoscope?

The first.

How many syllables are in the word stethoscope?

There are three syllables. Steth-o-scope.

What is a sentence with the word stethoscope?

"The doctor used the stethoscope on the patient to try and hear his heartbeat and breathing patterns."

Words that have scope in them?

Microscope - an instrument used for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Kaleidoscope - a tube of mirrors containing loose, colored objects such as beads or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated. Periscope - an instrument on a submarine or ship for seeing above the water or the horizon.

Do etymologist use a stethoscope?

Etymology is the study of words, where they originated, their derivatives and interpretations. Mostly in writings, so I don't think a stethoscope would make a useful tool.

How do you spell stethoscope?


What is a sentence for the word stethescope?

The doctor used the stethoscope to check the patient's heartbeat.

What is root word of stethoscope?

skopeo which means to look at, inspect, consider, examine

What words have ethos in them?

Words that have ethos in them include ethics, ethical, ethology, and ethnocentrism.

What are binaurals on a stethoscope?

What is a binaurals on a stethoscope

What do that thing call when doctor check your heart with?

Depends : fingers, stethoscope, EKG.