

How many years before a comet hits earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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That is completely unpredictable at this time. Best can be said is probably not this week.

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Q: How many years before a comet hits earth?
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What should you do if a comet hits the earth?

Depends on how big the comet is, where the comet hits, and what religious beliefs you have.

What is the probability that a comet hits earth?

VERY likely.

How many years does it take for comet to come by earth?

Actual collisions are pretty rare. Most 'space debris' burns up in the atmosphere long before it hits the planet.

What would be the effect of this particular comet hitting earth?

If a comet hits the ground than the gravity will be greater or lesser?

How are the comets going to affect the world?

Very little, actually. A comet has essentially no effect on the Earth, unless it actually HITS the Earth. When that happens, the effect will depend on the mass of the comet, but we do believe that this was probably what killed off the dinosaurs - and most other large animals on Earth - 65 million years ago. It HAS happened before, with catastrophic effect. It WILL happen again - if we're not ready to prevent it.

What happens when a comet or an asteroid hits earth?

You usually get a crater, with surrounding damage.

What are the effect of comets?

Unless the comet actually hits the Earth, there would be no effect whatsoever.

How often does a comet or an asteroids hit earth?

Actual collisions are pretty rare. Most 'space debris' burns up in the atmosphere long before it hits the planet.

What forms a crater when it hits the earth?

A large meteorite can. Also an asteroid or a comet can cause a crater.

Could a comet or asteroid or meteorite destroy the Earth?

Yes they all could destroy Earth depending how big it is, how big the impact is when it hits, and where it hits,but its possible. Hope this helps.

Which is longer a meteoriod or an asteroid?

Asteroid can last up to 100 years before it hits earth.

A comet is a meteoroid that strikes Earth?

No. Comet's are made of ice, dust, and rocks leftover from the formation of stars. They usually circle the sun. Now: A Meteor is a rock in space. When it enters earth's atmosphere it becomes a meteoroid. When it hits earth's surface it becomes a meteorite.