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Q: How many years can you get for possession of a fire arm?
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Can you carry a fire arm if your felony for possession of drugs has been adjudicated?

NO. you still have a conviction. That would depend on how your case was adjudicated. Were you convicted of the charges, or were they dismissed?

What is a fire arm?

A Fire Arm is a gun

What rights do I lose in Missouri if convicted of a felony?

When a person is convicted of a felony in the state of Missouri, they lose many rights that are given to people that are not felons. Examples of rights that are lost include the right to vote, and the right to be in possession of a fire arm.

Can a person be 18 years of age in the state of Indiana to be a police officer?

You have to be 21 to carry a fire arm.

How much time in ga can you get for possession of a fire arm as a fellon and stollen gun with 5 years probation?

The original time for case that was set for probation + 1-5 years for felon in possession (if you're convicted of a previous violent crime, it's an mandatory 5 year sentence) + 1-15 years depending on the specific theft charges and your previous history.I would seriously recommend hiring a criminal defense attorney immediately, as you're facing a length barred "vacation".

What is the penalty for carying a fire arm by a convicted felon in Texas?

Ten years in a federal penitentiary for the gun, and ten years each for each of the rounds.

What were dally's injuries in the fire?

his arm.

What degree felony is a possession of a fire arm?

It depends on the locality and the circumstances. For instances, in my state, if you are caugh carrying a illegal handgun, you might be charged with "intent to go armed" or "carrying an illegal firearm" depending on the circumstances. One charge is a misdemeanor, one is a felonly. Possession of a firearm while committing a crime is almost always a felony.

How many years is a convicted felon looking at for carring a firearm?

Depent the state law and the type of the fire arm. For ex., in Conetticut after a felony charged in your background before,you are faceing,two years sentense in jail pluthree years in probation and five years in suspendent time, mandatory by The safety proyect.

Where can you put the apostrophe possession in this sentence Harry grasped his wife arm as she stood on in-line skates for the first time?

Harry grasped his wife's arm. . .

Double barrel 410 crescent fire arm what can you tell me about this double barrel and the value?

70-100 years, 50-200 USD

What is a name for guns?

Fire arm, Weapon.