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Q: How many years did Achilles fight in the troy war?
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Did Achilles and hector fight in troy?

So the story says.

Why does Achilles hate Hector?

because Hector killed Achilles' friend Patroclus in a fight, when Patroclus had dressed up as Achilles so he could fight in one of the battles of Troy.(In the film Troy starring Brad Pitt, Achilles and Patroclus were cousins. In the original legends, they were friends but not related)

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Is troy the son of Achilles or Ares?

Troy is the son of Achilles.

Why doe Achilles fight Boagrius at the beginning of troy?

for avoid a battle between two armies.

How many years did the Greeks fight in troy?

The Greeks fought for 10 years in Troy. It took them another 10 years to return home

How did Odysseus cause the fall of troy?

He didn't single handedly cause the fall of troy, but he did fight in the battle. all of the Greeks together with much help from Achilles caused the fall of troy

Was Achilles a true warrior or is it just make belief?

He is a mythological character he is real if you believe in him. He did fight at the battle of troy.

How did Achilles try to escape going to Troy?

Achilles never tried to escape going to Troy, quite the contrary. He wanted to go to Troy.

What Greek hero defeated Hector in front of the walls of Troy?


What does hector ask Achilles to promise him before they fight once and for all?

In The Iliad, Book 22, Hector tells Achilles that should he (Hector) be victorious in their battle he will return Achilles' body to Greece and asks that should he die at Achilles' hand, Achilles should return Hector's body to Troy. Achilles refuses.

The brief summary of Trojan war?

Paris, prince of Troy takes Helen, queen of Sparta to Troy. Menelaus, king of Sparta gets mad and gets his brother Agamemnon to help him fight Troy. Greece fights Troy for ten years. In that time many are killed, including Hector, Achilles, and many others. Then the Greeks get fed up and pretend to quit and leave the infamous wooden horse outside the gates of Troy. The Trojans take it inside the city and the city is destroyed overnight.