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Q: How many years did Jamestown last?
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Jamestown was founded 13 years before Plymouth was founded.

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275 years!

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13 years

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275 years!

How many years was Jamestown settled?

It has remained settled since 1607.

How many years passed between the founding of Jamestown and founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony?

7 years

How many years passed between the founding of Jamestown and the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

7 years

How many years passed between the founding of Jamestown and the founding of Massachusetts bay colony?

7 years

How many Years passed between the founding of Jamestown and the founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony.?

7 years

How how many years after Jamestowns founding was Plymouth founded?

Jamestown was founded 13 years before Plymouth was founded.

How many years jamesmouths founding was Plymouth founded?

Jamestown was 1607 and Plymouth in 1620.