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Q: How many years did humans live in ancient china before they learned how to farm?
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Which nation invented the compass?

ANCIENT China are the ones who made the compass!i know because i learned about ancient china and i made a poster about ancient china in my school and my contribution was paper money!

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Was Japan part of China before?

Japan admired Chinese culture and learned much from them. Before World War II, Japan invaded China.

Who came up with the words that you speak?

Vocabulary comes from various sources. People from Ancient Greek to the Modern Day Humans came up with words with their mind. They could not explain objects, so they wrote them in inscriptions, and statues. The first known writings came from Ancient China and Ancient Egypt when Caligraphy and Hieroglypics was introduced before modern humans was civilized.

What was education in ancient China like?

Mainly boys got education, sometimes as scribes or warriors. Girls stayed home and did chores and learned how to take care of a good household.

What is the ancient name of China?

Ancient China.

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Ancient in ancient china

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Did ancient China have writing?

Yes, Ancient China did have writing.

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Ancient India got some ideas from ancient China.