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In most cases, students are required to complete four years of college in order to become a physical therapist. However, the requirements do change from year to year - it's recommended you check with any school you're considering attending in order to ensure you're following the correct educational path.

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Q: How many years do you need to attend in a physical therapy school to be a therapist?
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What does a physical therapist need to do to get a massage therapy license?

A physical therapist needs to do the same thing as anyone else that wants to get a massage therapy license. They need to go to an accredited school and pass the state or national exam, then apply for a license in their jurisdiction.

Do you have to take your basics in collage to start the physical therapy course or can you go straight into the physical therapy course?

You must obtain a bachelors degree and take prerequisite coursework prior to applying for physical therapy school, which is now generally a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Physical Therapist Assistants are a 2 year associates degree which may be commenced after high school.

Personal qualities and abilities need for success as a physical therapist?

To become a physical therapist, you would complete a bachelor's degree program at a university. To be a physical therapy tech, you could find a community college or technical school that would provide certification. The university degree is better. I know of 3 types of PT jobs: A physical therapist (PT), a physical therapist assistant (PTA), and a physical therapy technician. To be a PT, you would need to graduate with a bachelor's from a university and then attend physical therapy school which ranges from 2-3 years. A PTA is an associates degree (I believe). Both require you to obtain a license to practice by passing a licensure exam. I am a physical therapy tech, and was trained on the job. There are a few full time physical therapy techs at the clinic I work at, but most of us are college students working part time to get experience before applying to physical therapy school.

Where can I get good physical therapy training?

The best place to get physical therapy training is at a medical school or a medical facility. If you want to attend an online school you can get your training from Penn Foster. They send all of the texts and equipment you will need to your home.

Can a physical therapy aide become a physical therapy assistant?

The correct term is physical therapist assistant and you must have a license. No such term as an assistant physical therapist. To be a p.t.a. you must earn your applied science associate degree (2 year) from an accredited college ( [] will show you colleges) and pass your boards. Below a p.t.a is a physical therapy aide (usually in nursing home "unskilled" on the job training), as physical therapy technicians are no longer legal due to "abusing" them (cheaper without a license). P.ta.'s work under the supervision of a physical therapist. Good pay for short amount of school however you are limited to that job specifically as it is a "technical" job and not really any easily accessible bridging programs (unless you live in Ohio or California) to become a physical therapist if you so want to later.

What is the difference in physical therapy assistant school and physical therapy aid school?

There is a lot of difference between not only schools but the profession as well. When you want to become a Physical therapy assistant you need to go for 2 year associate degree program in Physical therapy assistant school. To become a PT aide you might not need to go for school as some times on the job training is enough. But when there is sough competition to get a job you need to attend some of the courses which you can do it online as well. Hope it helps.

which schools in indy area are indiana accredited for physical therapist assistant and are there online classes for the book study portion?

University of Indianapolis' Krannert School of Physical Therapy is a good place for you to go.

How long would it take a nursing major who has transfer to physical therapist to finish school?

There's just not enough information to determine that. Remember, currently a physical therapist must now have a master's degree in physical therapy. This alone will take two to three years after completion of the bachelor's degree.

Physical Therapist Assistant?

A physical therapist assistant, also known as a PTA, provide various services to patients during rehabilitation. They function under the close supervision of a physical therapist. The physical therapist assistant will assist and instruct patients during physical rehabilitative or therapeutic exercises, monitor and assess a patient’s recuperative progress, perform therapeutic massage and even fit or modify specifications on crutches or leg braces. Some physical therapist assistants are also responsible for various clerical duties related to their rehabilitation center’s office. Physical Therapist Assistant Education To provide services as a physical therapist assistant, one must obtain an associate’s degree in physical therapist assisting. In the U.S, over 250 schools offer accredited programs in physical therapy assisting. Curriculum will vary depending upon which school one chooses, but certain aspects must be taught in every physical therapy assisting degree program. Students will primarily learn procedures and theories related to physical therapy. They will also complete coursework in medical sciences and general education studies. During their final semester, students will get hands-on training within an internship. An associate’s degree may not be all one needs in order to practice physical therapy assisting in a professional capacity. Many states require physical therapist licensing, such as successful passing of a state-specific physical therapy assistant exam, certification in First Aid or CPR and a minimum number of hours attending on-the-job training. Physical Therapist Assistant Career Advancement Once a healthcare professional achieves education, licensing and work experience as a physical therapist assistant, career advancement within their chosen field is quite attainable. An obvious way to advance one’s physical therapy career is to become a qualified physical therapist. This will, of course, require further education in the form of a either master’s degree or doctorate. The licensure requirements for a physical therapist are also quite a bit more rigorous. Another avenue for physical therapist assistant career advancement is for the professional to become trained in a certain specialty in addition to their physical therapy assistant training. Specialties can include therapy related to pediatrics, sports, the elderly and many others. If one is considering a career in the health field, physical therapy assisting is a solid and viable choice, as the need for physical therapy assistants will always exist.

What is the best school for a physical therapist asst?

The following is written by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for physical therapist assistants.Most physical therapy aides are trained on the job, while almost all physical therapist assistants earn an associate degree from an accredited physical therapist assistant program. Most States require licensing for physical therapist assistants.Education and training. Employers typically require physical therapy aides to have a high school diploma. They are trained on the job, and most employers provide clinical on-the-job training.In most States, physical therapist assistants are required by law to hold an associate degree. The American Physical Therapy Association's Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education accredits postsecondary physical therapy assistant programs. In 2009, there were 223 accredited programs, which usually last 2 years and culminate in an associate degree.Programs are divided into academic coursework and hands-on clinical experience. Academic coursework includes algebra, English, anatomy and physiology, and psychology. Clinical work includes certifications in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other first aid, and field experience in treatment centers. Both educators and prospective employers view clinical experience as essential to ensuring that students understand the responsibilities of a physical therapist assistant.Licensure. Licensing is not required to practice as a physical therapy aide. However, most States regulate physical therapist assistants through licensure, registration, or certification. Most States require physical therapist assistants to graduate from an accredited education program and pass the National Physical Therapy Exam. Some States may require physical therapy assistants to pass State exams. Many States also require continuing education credits for physical therapist assistants to maintain licensure. Complete information on regulations can be obtained from State licensing boards.Other qualifications. Physical therapist assistants and aides should be well-organized, detail oriented, and caring. They should be able to take direction and work well in a team situation. They usually have strong interpersonal skills and a desire to help people in need.Advancement. Some physical therapist aides advance to become therapist assistants after gaining experience and completing an accredited education program.Some physical therapist assistants advance their knowledge and skills in a variety of clinical areas after graduation. The American Physical Therapy Association recognizes physical therapist assistants who have gained additional skills in geriatric, pediatric, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, integumentary, and cardiopulmonary physical therapy. Physical therapist assistants may also advance in non-clinical areas, like administrative positions. These positions might include organizing all the assistants in a large physical therapy organization or acting as the director for a specific department such as aquatic therapy. Physical therapist assistants may also pursue a career in teaching at an accredited physical therapist assistant academic program.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

Pursuing the Work of a Physical Therapist?

One of the most rewarding healthcare jobs is work as a physical therapist. Physical therapists help people regain normal use of their muscles and limbs. Physical therapists enjoy seeing how their skills benefit patients. The following contains information on the health care job of physical therapist. When a person has a serious illness or other medical condition that limits their movement they seek the help of a physical therapist. It's the responsibility of a physical therapist to evaluate a patient's physical challenges and devise a plan of therapy that will be of benefit. For instance, if a patient has had a long illness that has weakened his legs a physical therapist can guide the person in different leg-strengthening therapies. A physical therapist works with a patient's doctors and nurses to figure out exactly what sort of assistance to offer. There are also physical therapy assistants and other aides who help a physical therapist with patients. Students study in a physical therapist education program. A portion of the study program involves courses in biology, exercise physiology, pathology, and others. The program also includes clinical courses with a focus on the diagnostic process, outcomes assessment, and more. Physical therapists are also licensed. They need to complete an accredited program, pass a national exam, and fulfill state requirements. A prospective physical therapy student should speak with an advisor at a school that offers a physical therapy education to learn about any other requirements. In addition to completing all of the necessary courses and training, a physical therapist must be skilled at working with patients. Not surprisingly, some patients will be reluctant to participate in physical therapy. A physical therapist must have the patience and dedication necessary to cope with patients who are uncooperative. A physical therapist who is personable and respectful with patients will have better success in gently guiding a person into participating in important physical therapy sessions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the median annual salary for a physical therapist (in May 2008) was $72,790. Salaries of physical therapists vary depending on work environments (hospitals, clinics, private homes) and a therapist's experience.

What high school education is needed for physical therapy?

You need to be in a college prep program in high school. Remember, within the United States, the minimum degree requirement for a physical therapist at present, is a master's degree in physical therapy. However, this may change in the near future to a doctorate for entry to the field. Focusing on science, biology, physiology, psychology and related courses will defenitely get you on the right path as you transition from high school into college. Selecting a college or university with a recognized physical therapy program can also be beneficial. Identifying the schools you may want to attend and contacting them can provide insights on prerequisites and recommended courses of study.